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Cow Milk

Cow Milk

Gaika brand’s Cow Milk is a versatile and nutritious choice for your daily needs. Our cow milk is sourced from carefully selected cows and undergoes stringent quality checks to ensure purity and freshness. With its balanced composition of Predominantly A2 protein, calcium, and vitamins, Gaika brand’s cow milk provides essential nutrients for growth and well-being. Enjoy the creamy texture and taste of our cow milk in your favorite recipes or as a wholesome beverage.

Uses & Benefits

  • Versatile Use: Gaika brand cow milk can be utilized in various ways, such as drinking it directly, using it as a base for beverages like coffee or tea, or incorporating it into recipes for cooking and baking. Its versatility allows for a wide range of culinary applications.
  • Nutritional Powerhouse: Gaika brand cow milk is packed with essential nutrients like Predominantly A2 protein, calcium, vitamins (such as vitamin D and B vitamins), and minerals. These nutrients contribute to overall growth and development, support strong bones and teeth, and provide energy for daily activities.
  • Muscle Recovery and Growth: The Predominantly A2 protein content in Gaika brand cow milk is beneficial for muscle recovery and growth. It contains all nine essential amino acids required for optimal muscle repair and synthesis. Consuming cow milk after exercise or physical activity can aid in replenishing and repairing muscles.
  • Bone Health: Gaika brand cow milk is an excellent source of calcium, which is crucial for building and maintaining strong bones. Calcium plays a vital role in preventing osteoporosis and promoting proper bone density. Combined with vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption, cow milk can be a valuable asset in supporting bone health.
  • Hydration and Refreshment: Gaika brand cow milk is a hydrating and refreshing beverage option. It provides hydration along with essential nutrients, making it a suitable choice for maintaining proper fluid balance and quenching thirst. Cow milk can be enjoyed on its own or combined with flavors like chocolate or fruit to create delicious and nutritious beverages. Gaika brand’s cow milk maintains the same commitment to quality, nutrition, and taste as their buffalo milk, providing a reliable and trusted source of dairy goodness for consumers.